Nel contesto del "3th INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ART EXHIBITION" di Chengde in Cina, si è svolta "The First China International Internet-based Photography Competition".
N°2 immagini selezionate.
1- sequence of death

7- inside
Brief Introduction
Pig’s last will
“I leave my father Verrino thirty bushels of acorns, my mother Sow Veturina forty bushels of superfine flour, my sister Quirina, whose wedding I couldn’t attend thirty bushels of barley. And of my body I’d like to give the shoemakers my bristles, the querrellers my jaws, the deaf persons my ears, the lawjers and hot-air merchants my tongue, the butchers my bowels, the awners of delicatessen my legs, women my kidneys, children my bladder, the slaves and the hunters my hocks, the thieves my nails and the ummentionable cook the tub and the pestle I had stolen: can hang himself from Tebeste to Trieste.
And I wish that somebody write these words on my stele: “here lies Grunnio Corocotta Pig, he lived to be a thousand or very nearly”.
I ask my fans to cook my body with good souces, pepper and honey, so my name can be remembered for ever.
And now, dear friends and cousins, please sign my last will".
Anonymous author
IV century AD
The images, photographed in San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), in the south of Italy, in December 2007, represented the tradicional killing of the pig.

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